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Greetings! For those who want to visit a single page showing what I have written and where to purchase just go to the following site.



This post is not to make witty remarks concerning present matters the world is facing as of March 2020. I can empathize with most concerns of something that has spread out like wildfire, not mentioning the level of danger, considered less than other forms of virus. In any case, it affects worldwide and we can only pray and MUST...



De algunas obras, Cadena de Eventos es una novela altamente recomendado para la familia. Pueden leer más al hacer clic al ícono o link aquí abajo. Saludos.

I felt I needed to add this blog, especially since I have shared my books online, and some first paperbacks, to close friends and family, taking account that first drafts have a number of mistakes that general groups would find distracting, and cause for concern. I have updated all books in grammar, I guess that would mean books are in...

Nature trip


Just for fun, wanted to share a weekend with family back to the wildlife and nature. In any case, it was a recreational park with lots of nature, wildlife, log cabins, farm animals, with modern commodities as well, which made me think back on my recent novels and how "old" and "new" blend in very well. It was a great...

Novel Sequel


January is coming to an end, the same for the last novel I considered to do in 2020. Last year I created a world in another galaxy, but felt that I did not create enough drama with the antagonist. So, I wrote Terra Aequitas: Knights and Warlocks to focus more on the struggle between good and evil....

© 2019 Brandon Velasquez Guatemala city, Guatemala
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